Friday, August 24, 2007

Economic Development

How do you think Bristol can improve the pace of our Economic Development? How do you feel about Municipal Wireless projects and what kind of incentives to you think should be offered to entice different companies to move here?


Diane said...

Art, it would be great to have the "Mom and Pop" stores around our town again. I remember Bristol the way it used to be back in the day. I was a young girl at the time but, I still loved the way Bristol used to have that old town quaintness about it and that is what I miss the most about Bristol.I feel that you should make it easy for the small business man to exist. And I feel that you are the man who can do that!!! You have our support.

Art Ward - Moving Bristol Forward said...

Thank you for the support of both you and your husband Diane, I truly appreciate it.
Hopefully, when we realize the new downtown Bristol, we will be able to again realize that old "hometown" feeling.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

We don't need more economic development! Growth IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER. Just look at Farmington Ave. A complete disaster. Bristol already can't handle what it has. We need to LIMIT economic development

Art Ward - Moving Bristol Forward said...

I agree that we need to have a keen vision of how to implement growth without sprawl or unfavorable congestion within the community. We need to plan properly in order to better the community.

Anonymous said...

I live on Witches Rock. There are a lot of developments flying up around me.

I had my mind made up about who I was going to vote for until the other day when I read the piece about a firehouse in my area of town.

I'm not happy with someone dismissing our need for a firehouse up here. We shouldn't be relying on neighboring towns to send aid in the case of an emergency.

Please tell me what your plan would be to see that we are getting more than a promise from a neighboring volunteer organization and a couple more water lines.

Art Ward - Moving Bristol Forward said...

I believe that the city has an obligation to all of it's citizens to provide for public safety and public services.
This area has/is being developed at the quickest pace in the city and we should be preparing to ensure that the city responsibly addresses this needs as development occurs.

Anonymous said...

Art - AWSOME NEWS about Ocean State. How do you think the committee should proceed now?

Art Ward - Moving Bristol Forward said...

I would like to see positive movement to address the development of the mall by private developer(s)in conjunction with the mindset of the public in coordinating ideas and plans for the parcel.